
Art History

The art history major examines both the creative expressions of individual artists and the cultures that supported them. 

Faculty expertise includes African, Asian, American, or European with subthemes ranging from Renaissance patronage to curatorial studies to critical theory. 

Degree Offerings

B.A. in Art History

The Bachelor of Arts in art history provides majors with a substantive understanding of significant achievements in the history of art. It also investigates the tools, methods and concepts that spurred the development of art forms and movements. The degree prepares undergraduates for further study in art history and related fields such as museum studies, library science, and cultural studies.

B.A. in Art History


Art History Minor

The minor in Art History is comprised of credits including survey courses, plus an additional credits in upper-division art history courses.

Minor in Art History


M.A. in Art History

The Master of Arts degree in Art History offers a range of perspectives on art, theory, and cultural production across historical periods, geographic regions, and significant movements. When specializing in one area for the thesis, students may choose to focus on periods and genres related to faculty research and expertise.  In addition to the eight full-time faculty, visiting professors from departments in cognate fields and from other institutions are invited to present a variety of courses as special topic offerings. Applicants to the graduate program should have a strong undergraduate record with evidence of course work in art history and reading knowledge of at least one language other than English. Experience and demonstrated ability in research and writing are essential.

M.A. in Art History