
Credit Workshops

Credit workshops, meet University and Ohio Department of Higher Education standards for contact hours and out-of-class time and adhere to the cost per credit hour set by the University Board of Trustees. Participants in credit workshops are evaluated according to the instructor's clearly detailed criteria. Those who successfully complete credit-bearing workshops will be granted University credits. Non-credit workshops are not part of the University fee structure.

List of Education credit workshops by semester:


Additional credit workshops:

A confirmation letter and any pre-assignments will be sent via email prior to the workshop.

All currently enrolled students are assigned a KSU e-mail account, which is the official University means of communication. Students are responsible for all information sent to them via their University assigned account. Please check your e-mail often through .  Log in to  and click on the profile image to access the Secure Account Access links from the My Profile page to view and update additional e-mail addresses.

If you haven't received a confirmation letter, please email lifelonglearning@kent.edu or call our office at 330-672-3100.