
How to View Outstanding Financial Aid Requirements/Financial Aid Messages 

To access your account, log in to

  1. Navigate to the Student tab.
  2. Under Finances, click Scholarships & Financial Aid.
  3. Click on Financial Aid Dashboard. You can pin this item to your Student Dashboard. 
  4. Confirm the Aid Year displayed in the upper right corner is the correct aid year. 
  5. To view Unsatisfied Requirements, scroll down to the Student Requirements section on the Home tab. Review the required documents and how to submit each one.
  6. To view messages, click the Notifications tab from the top menu. 

At times, students may need to provide extra information or documentation to finalize their financial aid eligibility, known as outstanding requirements. We communicate any outstanding requirements to students via their financial aid active messages in FlashLine. It's crucial for students to regularly check their active messages to ensure all necessary steps are completed for receiving their financial aid. This video will demonstrate how to view outstanding requirements and active messages in FlashLine.