Emeritus Professor of MathematicsInfinite Dimensional Analysis, Functional Analysis, Holomographic Functions, Branch Spaces, Norm Attaining Operators, Bishop Phelps Theorem, Natural and Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Technology, Mathematics, Analysis and Functional Analysis
Emeritus Professor of MathematicsClimatology, Natural hazards, Precipitation, Mountain Environments, Biography
Emeritus Professor of MathematicsAnalysis, Approximations, Spline Functions, Geometric Function Theory, Natural and Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Technology, Mathematics, Geometry
Emeritus Professor of MathematicsFinite Groups, Characters of Finite Groups, Representation Theory
Emertus Professor of MathematicsApplied mathematics and computation; continuum modeling of liquid-crystal systems
Emerita Professor of MathematicsPedagogical Mathematics, Math Education, Spatial Reasoning, Content Knowledge for K-8 Teachers