Apply to the Professional Nursing Sequence

During the semester in which you anticipate completing (or have completed) 30 credit hours, it will be time to apply online to the Professional Nursing Sequence via the Traditional BSN application. The application is open during the following application cycles:
Semester | Application Cycle | KSU Campuses Admitting |
Fall | Feb. - May | 天天吃瓜, Geauga, Salem, Stark, and Trumbull |
Spring | Mid-Oct. - Dec. | 天天吃瓜, Salem, Stark |
Transfer students: If you are not admitted to 天天吃瓜 at the time of application review, your application to the nursing sequence will not be reviewed.
Admission into the Professional Nursing Sequence is highly competitive and is not guaranteed. Learn about our progression requirements listed in the .