Full Conference Schedule
Saturday, September 16
8:30-9:00am |
Continental Breakfast Options:
Hotel Guests Receive Free Breakfast in Hotel Lobby
Other Conference Attendees Can Enjoy Breakfast Outside Dix Conference Room
9:00-9:05am | Opening Remarks |
9:05-10:10am |
Keynote Presentation |
10:15-11:20am |
Variants of Bodily Subjects: Embodiment, Expression and Empathy |
11:25am-12:30pm |
The Modality and Modalizations of the Absolute Ought in Husserl |
Lunch Break | |
2:15-3:20pm |
Yancy, Husserl, and Racism at the Level of Passive Synthesis |
3:25-4:30pm |
Affectivity and Perceiving Other Subjects: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Essential Role of Affectivity in Basic Empathy |
4:35-5:40pm |
Irreducible Otherness: Ethical Implications of Intersubjectivity in Husserl, Derrida, and Stein |
6:30-9:00pm | Conference Banquet, 天天吃瓜 Hotel and Conference Center |
Sunday, September 17
8:30-9:00am |
Continental Breakfast Options:
Hotel Guests Receive Free Breakfast in Hotel Lobby
Other Conference Attendees Can Enjoy Breakfast Outside Dix Conference Room
9:00-10:05am |
Keynote Presentation |
10:10-11:15am |
Escaping the Correlationist Circle: A Husserlian Approach to Meillassoux鈥檚 Ancestral Statements |
11:20am-12:25pm |
Husserl, Externalism, and Compensatory Individual Representationalism |
Lunch Break- Complimentary Buffet lunch at the hotel | |
1:30-2:35pm |
Metaphysical, Epistemic, and Transcendental Idealism |
2:40-3:45pm |
Re-examining Husserl鈥檚 Non-Conceptualism in the Logical Investigations |
3:50-4:00pm | Closing Remarks and Thanks Gina Zavota and Deborah Barnbaum |