
6 - 11.9

Administrative policy regarding faculty leaves of absence without pay

  1. The university does not provide leaves of absence with pay for faculty. Leaves of absence on a one-year (or less) basis without pay may be arranged through the department chairperson or school director and, with his/her approval, the approval of the dean of the college or school, and the approval of the vice president for academic and student affairs. The department chairperson/school director must give in writing reasons for recommending and individual' request for leave without pay; the dean will forward such recommendation with his or her own comments to the office of academic personnel.
  2. Research or other advanced study, travel, medical reasons, and rest may justify the granting of a leave of absence without pay. Leave may also be granted for teaching or research in another institution, provided the faculty member accepts such appointment as visitor, and not as a regular appointment, and provided further that the faculty recognizes an obligation to return to the university for the next year of service. Leave for the purpose of eventually accepting regular appointment at another institution is not permitted, nor may a faculty member hold tenure concurrently at the university and another institution.
  3. A copy of the terms, conditions, and purpose of the leave appointment shall accompany the request for leave of absence when another institution is involved.
  4. Requests for leaves of absence for the next academic year shall be filed not later than the first of March. Requests for leaves which are proposed to begin during the second semester should be filed at the beginning of the fall semester.
  5. If a faculty member wishes an extension of leave, the same procedures as described above shall be followed, with the request for extension filed with the department chairperson or school director no later than the first of February. The request is then forwarded, as in paragraph (A). If the university does not wish to grant the extension, and the person does not return, then the position will be considered vacated. The on-leave faculty member shall notify the vice president for faculty affairs and personnel, no later than three months prior to the expiration of the leave, of his/her intent to return. Absent such notice of intent, the position may be declared vacant.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 10/26/1979, 11/22/1985, 12/29/1986, 6/1/2007