Liam O'Brien
Graduate Student and Adjunct Professor
Contact Information
Liam O'Brien (he/him) is a PhD Student in the Department of Political Science studying Transnational Comparative Politics and Conflict Analysis & Management. His research is focused on understanding internet politics and online ideologies from a multidisciplinary approach. His work in International Relations ranges from applied Neoclassical Realism to Critical Constructivism in many issue areas. Lately, his research has focused on the study of political violence in online subcultures. His recent conference presentation at the International Herbert Marcuse Society, "Interrogating the Role of Academia in Violent Online Performance," addressed the performance of political and rhetorical aesthetics of violence in online academic collectives.
Liam is a native of Ohio, and has worked professionally as a political organizer for most of his life. He has organized campaigns which have registered tens of thousands of voters, raised millions of dollars for various nonprofit organizations, and successfully secured numerous candidate and ballot petition victories. In his free time, he enjoys cooking, birdwatching, and playing men's league hockey.
Research Interests:
Digital Political Violence and Peace
Online Mediation and Mediative Practice
Virtual Ethnography
Social Network Analysis
Critical Discourse Analysis
American Political Science Association (August 2020 - Present)
Midwest Political Science Association (December 2019 - Present)
Western Political Science Association (August 2021 - Present)
International Herbert Marcuse Society (June 2021- Present)
B.A. Political Science, Psychology Minor - Bowling Green State University (2017)
M.A. Global Interactions, Political Concentration - Cleveland State University (2020)
M.A. Global Interactions, Political Concentration - Cleveland State University (2020)