Jeffrey A. Ciesla
Department of Psychological Sciences
Associate Professor & Director of the Applied Psychology Center
Office Location:
378C 天天吃瓜 Hall
Graduate Areas: Clinical
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Research Interests
My research involves risk for depression, with two foci: (1) the combined influence of rumination and maladaptive beliefs, and (2) models of life stress, including the stress sensitization, generation, and autonomy models. Additionally, I am interested in the application of SEM and HLM statistical techniques in psychopathology research.
Lab Site:
Courses Frequently Taught
- Introduction to Adult Psychopathology
- Quantitative Methods
- Depressive Disorders
Ph.D., State University of New York: University at Buffalo (2004)
- Cole, D.A., Ciesla, J.A., Steiger, J.H. (in press). The insidious effects of failing to include design-driven correlated residuals in latent covariance structure analysis. Psychological Methods.
- Ciesla, J.A. & Roberts, J.E. (2007). Rumination, negative cognition, and their interactive effects on depressed mood: Two laboratory studies. Emotion, 7, 555-565.
- Ciesla, J.A., Cole, D.A., & Steiger, J.H. (2007). Extending the trait-state-occasion model: How important is within-wave measurement equivalence? Structural Equation Modeling, 14, 77-97.
- Ciesla, J.A. & Roberts, J.E. (2002). Self-directed thought and response to treatment for depression: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 16, 435-453.
- Ciesla, J.A. & Roberts, J.E. (2001). Meta-analysis of the relationship between HIV infection and risk for depressive disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 725-730.