
Quick Tip: Create MAGIC - Part 4 (Inbox)

The Regional Campus Instructional Design team is continuing our 5-week series on communication and MAGIC is our acronym that will help you engage and connect with your students.  

As a reminder from the last tip, MAGIC stands for the following: 

  • Message Students Who 
  • Announcements 
  • Grade comments 
  • Inbox 
  • Comment Library

Inbox Messages/Conversations

This week is brought to you by the letter I! &²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;

The Canvas is a messaging tool instructors can use to communicate with their students. When users receive messages in Canvas, it also triggers notifications, meaning students can receive these messages in their ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï email or on their phone as well.  Additionally, users can reply to Canvas messages from their email client, and the replies will go back into the Canvas Inbox conversation.  

Tip: Right-click (or option-click) on the Inbox icon to open the Inbox in a new browser tab. Now you will be able to work in or view other pages in Canvas while keeping your Inbox handy. 

Instructors can to: 

  • by role (students, TAs, teachers)  
  • Draft a message and opt to send it individually  
  • Send a message to specific groups within a course 
  • Filter conversations by course 
  • View and reply to assignment submission comments (the G in our MAGIC acronym)  

Click on any of the hyperlinks in this message for a more detailed explanation of the specified process.

Did you know?  You are not limited to text-based messages.  You can also add file attachments and record audio/video comments. While the Inbox itself does not have any file limits, attachments added to a message will be counted in the file limit for your account. 

Keep in mind 
Sending messages to students in a course is only an option while the course is published AND the course dates are open. Once a course has concluded, instructors will no longer have the option to send or respond to messages. 


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