
UCT Membership 2014-2015

University Council on Technology: Membership 2014-2015
Council Member Position Email  Representing
Albert, Paul Executive Director of  Educational Technology  palbert@kent.edu  Information Services
Bakes, Catherine  Faculty cbakes@kent.edu  Faculty Senate
Benitez,  Margarita   Faculty mbenitez@kent.edu  College of Fashion Design & Merchandising
Benzigar, Sasi  Faculty sbenziga@kent.edu   College of Public Health
Bhutta, Adeel Coordinator of Computer Technology Program (Stark) abhutta@kent.edu Regional Campuses, Dean
Blundell,  Greg  Faculty gblundel@kent.edu  Faculty at Large, Alternate
Bracken, James  Dean, University Libraries jbracke1@kent.edu  University Libraries
Brown, Alfreda Vice President, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion  abbrown@kent.edu   Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 
Crawford, John  Faculty jcrawfo1@kent.edu  College of the Arts
Dalton, Eve Lead Applications Support Analyst edalton@kent.edu  Faculty Professional Development
Dees, David Director of Faculty Professional Development  ddees@kent.edu  Faculty Professional Development 
Ding,  Kele   Faculty kding@kent.edu  Faculty Senate
Farrell, Paul  Faculty pfarrell@kent.edu  Faculty Senate, Alternate
Freitas, Frances Anne Faculty ffreita1@kent.edu Regional Campuses, Dean
Garcia, David Sr. Vice President, EMSA tgarcia5@kent.edu  Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
Gardner, Brian Faculty btgardne@kent.edu College of Applied Engineering, Sustainability and Technology
Harvey, Iris  Vice President, University Relations iharvey1@kent.edu  University Relations 
Heffner, Jessica Graduate Senate Representative jheffner@kent.edu  Graduate Student
Huntsman,  Deborah   Associate Vice President, OCDE dhuntsm1@kent.edu  Office of Continuing and Distance Education
Kaplan, David  Faculty dkaplan@kent.edu  College of Arts & Sciences
Kawalec,   Jill   Faculty jkawale2@kent.edu  College of Podiatric Medicine
Klingler, Tom  Assistant Dean, University Libraries tk@kent.edu  University Libraries
Kosko, Karl  Faculty kkosko1@kent.edu  College of Education, Health and Human Services
Li,  Hongshan   Faculty hli@kent.edu  Regional Campuses, Dean 
Mahon, Edward Vice-President for Information Services (ex-officio) emahon@kent.edu  Information Services
Marshall, Shelley Chair skmarsha@kent.edu  Faculty, Ashtabula
McGimpsey, Grant Vice President for Research wmcgimps@kent.edu  Research and Sponsored Programs, VP
Near, Aaron Faculty anear@kent.edu  College of Nursing
Polatajko, Mark Sr. Vice President, Finance and Administration TBD Finance and Administration, VP
Pringle,  Eboni   Interim Dean, University College epringle@kent.edu  University College, Dean
Rilling, Sarah   Faculty srilling@kent.edu  Faculty Senate
Robinson,  Carol   Faculty clrobins@kent.edu  Faculty Senate, Alternate
Rothstein, Michael    Faculty rothstei@cs.kent.edu  Faculty Senate, Alternate
Ruttan, Arden Vice-Chair ruttan@cs.kent.edu  Faculty, Computer Science
Steidl, Douglas  Faculty dsteidl@kent.edu  College of Architecture and Environmental Design:
Stephens,  Mary  Dean, Graduate Studies mstephen@kent.edu  Graduate Studies, Dean
Tankersley, Melody Interim Dean, Graduate Admissions mtakers@kent.edu Graduate Studies, Dean
Thomas,  Wanda Faculty wthomas4@kent.edu   Regional College, Dean 
Tietz, Wendy  Faculty wtietz@kent.edu  College of Business Administration:
Tran, Rose Manager, Information Technology rmtran@kent.edu  Undergraduate Studies, Dean
Turek, William  Faculty wturek@kent.edu  Office of Continuing and Distance Education, Director:
Unassigned Undergraduate Senate Representative   Undergraduate Senate Representative
Walker, Willis Interim Vice President, Division of Human Resources wwalker@kent.edu Human Resources
Ward,  Will   Faculty wward@kent.edu  Regional Campuses, Dean 
Zake, Susan   Faculty szake@kent.edu  College of Communication and Information