Faculty & Departmental Advisors
Faculty and Department Roles within Academic Advising
- As a primary expert in their field of research they may provide advice for internships, graduate school, and careers
- Assist with major/minor elective courses, and sequencing
Africana Studies
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Africana Studies | Professor and Chair Mwatabu S. Okantah (Fall 2024 Only) | 127 B Oscar Ritchie Hall | mokantah@kent.edu | 330-672-0142 |
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Archaeology (B.S.) | Dr. Eren | 215 Lowry Hall | meren@kent.edu | 330-672-9353 |
Biological Anthropology (B.S.) | Dr. Meindl | 222 Lowry Hall | rmeindl@kent.edu | 330-672-4363 |
Biological Anthropology (B.S.) | Dr. Tosi | 238 Lowry Hall | atosi@kent.edu | 330-672-5121 |
Cultural Anthropology (B.A.) | Dr. Cimino | 236 Lowry Hall | acimino1@kent.edu | 330-672-3043 |
Forensic Anthropology Minor | Dr. Spurlock | 235-237 Lowry Hall | lspurloc@kent.edu | 330-672-5972 |
Forensic Anthropology Minor | Dr. Tosi | 238 Lowry Hall | atosi@kent.edu | 330-672-5121 |
Bioethics and Health Humanities Minor
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Bioethics and Health Humanities Minor | Dr. Barnbaum | 320 Bowman Hall | dbarnbau@kent.edu | 330-672-2315 |
Biological Sciences
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Undergraduate Coordinator; Transfer Student and Regional Campus; Student Faculty Advisor Assignments | Dr. Kooijman | 256 Cunningham Hall | ekooijma@kent.edu | 330-672-8568 |
Academic Advisor | Joan Iacobacci | 256 Cunningham Hall | jiacobac@kent.edu | 330-672-2984 |
Biology B.A.; Last Names A-J | Dr. Vash | 121 Cunningham Hall | srvash@kent.edu | 330-672-3617 |
Biology B.A.; Last Names K-Z | Dr. Redfearn | 017 Cunningham Hall | jredfear@kent.edu | 330-672-1398 |
Biology- Molecular/Cellular; Last Names A-D | Dr. Lamichhaney | 041 Cunningham Hall | slamichh@kent.edu | 330-672-2764 |
Biology- Molecular/Cellular; Last Names E-O | Dr. Kurokawa | 312K Williams Hall | mkurokaw@kent.edu | 330-672-2979 |
Biology- Molecular/Cellular; Last Names P-Z | Dr. Clements | 251D Integrated Sciences Building | rclement@kent.edu | 330-672-2720 |
Biology- Organismal; Last Names A-K | Dr. Bade | 119 Cunningham Hall | dbade@kent.edu | 330-672-4639 |
Biology- Organismal; Last Names L-Z | Dr. Mou | 251B Integrated Sciences Building | xmou@kent.edu | 330-672-3625 |
Biotechnology | Dr. M. Kim | 312G Williams Hall | mkim15@kent.edu | 330-672-1445 |
Botany | Dr. Ward | 115A Cunningham Hall | dward21@kent.edu | 330-672-9394 |
Environmental & Conservation Biology; Last Names A-L | Dr. de Szalay | 205 Cunningham Hall | fdeszala@kent.edu | 330-672-7936 |
Environmental & Conservation Biology; Last Names M-Z | Dr. Eichler | 114 Cunningham Hall | seeichle@kent.edu | 330-672-5290 |
Medical Laboratory Science | Dr. Chiu | 105 Cunningham Hall | cchiu5@kent.edu | 330-672-2945 |
Neuroscience; Last Names A-L | Dr. Chung | 229 Cunningham Hall | wchung@kent.edu | 330-672-3641 |
Neuroscience; Last Names M-Z | Dr. Piet | 211 Cunningham Hall | rpiet@kent.edu | 330-672-2765 |
Biology- Pre-Medicine; Last Names A-C | Dr. Hegmann | 251A Integrated Sciences Building | ehegmann@kent.edu | 330-672-1584 |
Biology- Pre-Medicine; Last Names D-I | Dr. W. Kim | 018 Cunningham Hall | wkim2@kent.edu | 330-672-7888 |
Biology- Pre-Medicine; Last Names J-M | Dr. Koski | 315 Cunningham Hall | gkoski@kent.edu | 330-672-3670 |
Biology- Pre-Medicine; Last Names N-Sh | Dr. McDonough | 251H Integrated Sciences Building | jmcdonou@kent.edu | 330-672-2388 |
Biology- Pre-Medicine; Last Names Si-Z | Dr. Hegmann (Fall 2024-Dr. Novak cnovak13@kent.edu) | 233 Cunningham Hall | ehagmann@kent.edu | 330-672-2306 |
Zoology; Last Names A-Cl | Dr. Grafton | 043 Cunningham Hall | bgrafton@kent.edu | 330-672-2935 |
Zoology; Last Names Co-F | Dr. Tinkler | 027 Cunningham Hall | gtinkler@kent.edu | 330-672-3912 |
Zoology; Last Names G-Je | Dr. Hoeh | 015 Cunningham Hall | whoeh@kent.edu | 330-672-9573 |
Zoology; Last Names Jo-M | Dr. L. Leff | 052 Cunningham Hall | lleff@kent.edu | 330-672-3788 |
Zoology; Last Names N-Sh | Dr. Kershner | 049 Cunningham Hall | mkershne@kent.edu | 330-672-2738 |
Zoology; Last Names Si-Z | Dr. Trevelline | 251F Integrated Sciences Building | btrevell@kent.edu | 330-672-3895 |
Pre-Vet (any Dept. of Biological Sciences major) | Dr. A. Leff | 130 Cunningham Hall | aleff@kent.edu | 330-672-8369 |
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
B.S. Biochemistry with Pre-Medicine/Pre-Osteopathy/Pre-Dentistry/Pre-Podiatric Concentration and Pre-Pharmacy | Dr. Wang | 138 Science Research Building | zwang3@kent.edu | 330-672-3352 |
B.S. Biochemistry with General Concentration | Dr. Tubergen | 034 Science Research Labs | mtubere@kent.edu | 330-672-7079 |
B.S. Chemistry with Chemistry or Industrial Concentration and B.A. Chemistry | Dr. Bunge | 311F Williams Hall | sbunge@kent.edu | 330-672-9445 |
Chemistry Minor | Dr. Seed | 134 Science Research Building | aseed@kent.edu | 330-672-9528 |
Transfer Course Evaluation and Course Substitutions | Dr. Seed | 134 Science Research Building | aseed@kent.edu, | 330-672-9528 |
Olivia Klein | 210 Williams Hall | oklein@kent.edu | 330-672-2405 | |
University of Leicester Exchange Program | Dr. Seed | 134 Science Research Building | aseed@kent.edu | 330-672-9528 |
Computer Science
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
All programs | Dr. Augustine Samba (lead advisor) | 272 Math and Computer Science | asamba@kent.edu | 330-672-9868 |
All programs | Dr. Maha Allouzi (transfer course evaluations) | 256 Math and Computer Science | mallouzi@kent.edu | 330-672-9102 |
All programs | Dr. Gokarna Sharma | 266 Math and Computer Science | gsharma2@kent.edu | 330-672-9065 |
All programs | Dr. Raiful Hasan | 252 Math and Computer Science | rhasan7@kent.edu | 330-672-9057 |
All programs | Dr. Jong-Hoon Kim (out Fall 2024 and Spring 2025) | 236 Math and Computer Science | jkim72@kent.edu | 330-672-9060 |
Criminology/Justice Studies
Refer to Sociology
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
(B.A.) Economics | Dr. Sahajdack | 454 Business Adm. | tsahajda@kent.edu | 330-672-1085 |
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Undergraduate Coordinator; BA English, Creative Writing Minor, Professional and Technical Writing Minor | Dr. Hediger | 209-C Satterfield | rhediger@kent.edu | 330-672-1741 |
BA Major: Teaching English as a Second Language | Ayham Abuzeid | 203-C Satterfield | aabuzeid@kent.edu | 330-672-4043 |
Environmental Studies
Refer to Geography
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Geography major and minor | Dr. Widner | 405 McGilvrey | ewidner@kent.edu | 330-672-3226 |
Environmental Studies (major and minor) | Dr. Kaplan | 440 McGilvrey | dkaplan@kent.edu | 330-389-3221 |
Climate Change minor | Dr. Cameron Lee | 433 McGilvrey | cclee@kent.edu | 330-672-0360 |
GIS minor | Dr. Scholl | 407 McGilvrey | ascholl1@kent.edu | 330-672-7669 |
Urban Studies minor | Dr. Kaplan | 440 McGilvrey | dkaplan@kent.edu | 330-672-3221 |
Earth Sciences
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
All programs | Dr. Rowan | 337 McGilvrey | crowan5@kent.edu | 330-672-7428 |
All programs | Dr. Wells | 131-A McGIlvrey | nwells@kent.edu | 330-672-2951 |
All programs | Dr. Schweitzer | 345 McGilvrey | cschweit@kent.edu | 330-672-3303 or 330-672-2505 |
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
All Majors & Minors | All History faculty serve as advisors for the major/minor. Visit the office hours of any faculty member or schedule a meeting with any faculty member | 305 Bowman Hall | history@kent.edu | 330-672-2882 |
Integrative Studies
Refer to Bachelor of Integrative Studies in Multidisciplinary Social Sciences and Humanities
International Relations
Refer to Multidisciplinary Social Sciences and Humanities
Jewish Studies
Refer to Multidisciplinary Social Sciences and Humanities
Mathematical Sciences
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Assistant Chair; All Programs | Dr. Davidson | 314 MSB | mdavidso@kent.edu | 330-672-9040 |
Undergraduate Coordinator; All Programs | Dr. Zheng | 320 MSB | xzheng3@kent.edu | 330-672-9089 |
(B.S.) Actuarial Mathematics | Dr. Kracht - Schedule with Dr. Kracht: | 347 MSB | dkracht@kent.edu | 330-672-9093 |
Medical Laboratory Science
Refer to Biological Sciences Department
Modern and Classical Language Studies
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
American Sign Language | MCLS Department | 109 Satterfield Hall | mcls@kent.edu | 330-672-1806 |
Arabic minor | Dr. Carduner | 305 B Satterfield Hall | jcardune@kent.edu | 330-672-1806 |
Chinese minor | Prof. Hui Yu | 309 F Satterfield Hall | hyu5@kent.edu | 330-672-1863 |
Classics/Latin | Dr. Harvey | 308 B Satterfield Hall | bkharvey@kent.edu | 330-672-1804 |
Education Minor & Teacher Licensure | Dr. Chism | 101C Satterfield Hall | rlchism@kent.edu | 330-672-1825 |
French | Dr. De Julio | 305 C Satterfield Hall | mdejulio@kent.edu | 330-672-1807 |
German | Dr. Rossoll | 309 Satterfield Hall | hrossoll@kent.edu | 330-672-1833 |
German | Dr. Koby | 109 C Satterfield Hall | gkoby@kent.edu | 330-672-1814 |
Italian minor | Prof. Stephanie Siciarz | 109 D Satterfield Hall | ssiciarz@kent.edu | 330-672-1810 |
Italian Studies minor | Dr. Stasiowski | 128 B Bowman Hall | kstasiow@kent.edu | 330-672-1809 |
Japanese minor | Prof. Eriko Tanaka | 309 F Satterfield Hall | etanaka1@kent.edu | 330-672-1803 |
Russian | MCLS Department | 109 Satterfield Hall | mcls@kent.edu | 330-672-1806 |
Spanish | MCLS Department | 109 Satterfield Hall | mcls@kent.edu | 330-672-1806 |
(B.S.) Translation | Dr. Villa Ignacio | 304 D Satterfield Hall | tvillaig@kent.edu | 330-672-1820 |
Newly declared MCLS majors seeking faculty advisor assignments; Transfer course evaluations; Alternative credit; Special approval/overrides for non-language majors; Foreign language waivers for native speakers of another language | MCLS Department | 109 Satterfield Hall | mcls@kent.edu | 330-672-2150 |
Multidisciplinary Social Sciences and Humanities, School of
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Gender and Sexuality Studies | Dr. Barnes | 113 Bowman | abarnes@kent.edu | 330-672-8947 |
International Studies | Dr. Mazzei | 113 Bowman | jmazzei@kent.edu | 330-672-6774 |
Paralegal Studies | Prof. Paar Conroy | 113 Bowman | apaar@kent.edu | 330-672-4148 |
Bachelor of Integrative Studies (BIS) | Dr. Odell-Scott | 113 Bowman | dodellsc@kent.edu | 330-672-2062 |
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies | Dr. Starkey (天天吃瓜) | 天天吃瓜 Campus | lstarke3@kent.edu | 330-672-6774 |
Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies | Dr. Martinez (Stark) | Stark Campus | amart108@kent.edu | 330-672-6774 |
Jewish Studies | Prof. Kessler | 113 Bowman | ckessle7@kent.edu | 330-672-6774 |
Latin American Studies | Dr. Mazzei | 113 Bowman | jmazzei@kent.edu | 330-672-6774 |
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies | Dr. Vachon | 113 Bowman | lvachon@kent.edu | 330-672-6774 |
Paralegal Studies | Prof. Paar Conroy | 113 Bowman | apaar@kent.edu | 330-672-6774 |
Religion Studies | Dr. Odell-Scott | 113 Bowman | dodellsc@kent.edu | 330-672-6774 |
Studies in Globalization, Identity, and Space | Dr. Mazzei | 113 Bowman | jmazzei@kent.edu | 330-672-6774 |
Urban Studies | Dr. Kaplan | 440 McGilvrey | dkaplan@kent.edu | 330-672-3221 |
Women's Studies | Dr. Holt | 113 Bowman | slholt@kent.edu | 330-672-6772 |
World Literature and Cultures | Dr. Mazzei | 113 Bowman | jmazzei@kent.edu | 330-672-6774 |
Paralegal Studies
Refer to Multidisciplinary Social Sciences and Humanities
Peace and Conflict Studies, School of
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Undergraduate Coordinator/Advisor | Prof. Cunningham | 113 McGilvrey Hall | kcunning@kent.edu | 330-672-8943 |
Undergraduate Advisor | Assoc. Prof. Bleak | 115 McGilvrey Hall | jbleak@kent.edu | 330-672-0355 |
Graduate Coordinator/Advisor | Dr. Hancock | 113 McGilvrey Hall | lhancoc2@kent.edu | 330-672-0904 |
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
All Programs | Dr. Kim Garchar | 320 Bowman Hall | kgarchar@kent.edu | 330-672-0276 |
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Undergraduate Coordinator; Physics | Dr. Hamza Balci | 123 Science Research Building | hbalci@kent.edu | 330-672-2577 |
Physics | Dr. Balci | 123 Science Research Bldg | hbalci@kent.edu | 330-672-2577 |
Physics | Dr. Katramatou | 303 Smith Hall | akatrama@kent.edu | 330-672-0330 |
Physics | Dr. Mann | 140 Science Research Building | emann@kent.edu | 330-672-9750 |
Physics | Dr. Secaur | 120 Smith Hall | jsecaur@kent.edu | 330-672-2246 |
Physics | Dr. Selinger | 321 AMLCI | rselinge@kent.edu | 330-672-1582 |
Physics | Dr. Strickland | 206B Smith Hall | mstrick6@kent.edu | 330-672-3771 |
Pre-Medicine/Pre-Osteopathy/Pre-Podiatry | Dr. Mann | 140 Science Research Building | emann@kent.edu | 330-672-9750 |
SPS Advisor | Dr. Petratos | 314 Smith Hall | gpetrato@kent.edu | 330-672-5408 |
Transfer Credit; Transient Coursework | Dr. Almasan | 002 Science Research Bldg. | calmasan@kent.edu | 330-672-2402 |
Political Science
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Undergraduate Coordinator | Dr. Ensley | 302 Bowman Hall | mensley@kent.edu | 330-672-8933 |
Washington and Columbus Programs | Dr. Schmidt | 302 Bowman Hall | sschmi16@kent.edu | 330-672-2060 |
Pre-Law Minor
Program | Advisor | Location | Phone | |
Pre-Law Minor | Dr. Banks | 302 Bowman Hall | cbanks6@kent.edu | 330-672-0908 |
Title | Advisor | Building Location | Phone | |
Psychological Sciences Undergraduate Coordinator | Dr. Hughes | 326 天天吃瓜 Hall Addition | jhughes1@kent.edu | 330-672-7721 |
Psychological Sciences Undergraduate Departmental Advisor | Debra Penberthy | 144H 天天吃瓜 Hall | dpenbert@kent.edu | 330-672-0665 |
Title | Advisor | Building Location | Phone | |
Criminology & Justice Studies and Sociology Coordinator | Dr. Taylor | 203 Merrill Hall | ttaylo36@kent.edu | 330-672-4724 |
Criminology & Justice Studies and Sociology Academic Advisor | Rebecca Cash | 319 Merrill Hall | rcash5@kent.edu | 330-672-9007 |