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- Mary Ann Devine | mdevine@kent.edu |
330-672-0214 - Speak with an Advisor
This program is a multidisciplinary undergraduate and graduate program that prepares students to work with individuals with disabilities in a variety of community settings. The minor enhances a student's career by preparing them to understand the nature of disabilities, meaning of disability in our society, social, political and health implications of disability, and methods of making our society more inclusive to those who live with disabilities.
This minor/certificate can be earned in conjunction with your current major to enhance careers as inclusion specialists in:
The Disability Studies and Community Inclusion minor can, in part, prepare students majoring in Exercise Science or Exercise Physiology to be eligible to sit for the ACSM Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainer. This is a group of professionals who are uniquely qualified to promote fitness and health for people with disabilities. Specifically, this minor will prepare students in the areas of: The Americans with Disabilities Act; assessing, developing, and implementing physical activity programs for people who have physical, sensory, or cognitive disabilities; clinical and medical consideration of disability groups; understanding adaptations and accommodations for people with disabilities; human behavior; disability awareness. To enroll in the minor simply go to FlashLine and add it to your program of study or contact your advisor in the Vacca Office for Undergraduate Advising who can assist you as well.
To learn more about the ACSM Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainer certification, review their .