
Parent/Guardian Approval

If you are under 18 at the time of applying for housing, a parent or guardian (cosigner) must sign your housing contract before you can complete it. This involves completing the Minor Contract Proxy Agreement, which legally binds both the student and cosigner to the terms of the contract, including payment obligations.

The approval process is located in the University Housing Portal, where students will provide their cosigner's information.

Student Steps:
  1. Log in to the University Housing Portal (link above) and access the housing application. 
  2. Accept the Residence Hall Contract for Room and Meal Plan.
  3. Click "Add" to input your parent/guardian's information as the cosigner. 
Parent/Guardian Steps:
  1. Check your email for a message titled: Housing Contract Signature Required
  2. Click the unique link in the email to review and complete the agreement.
  3. Provide your information, including your student's KSU ID number (ensure all details match exactly as in the email). 

Once the Minor Contract Proxy Agreement is completed, the student will receive an email to finalize their housing contract.