
Leadership Appointments - Office of the Provost

June 16, 2015


    It is my pleasure to announce that Dr. Mandy Munro-Stasiuk will join the Office of the Provost as Interim Associate Provost for a one-year appointment beginning July 1, 2015. Among other responsibilities in her new role, Mandy will lead efforts to recruit diverse faculty and implement the recommendations of the Women in STEM committee. She will occupy an associate provost position vacated by Dr. Rick Rubin in 2013.

  • I am also pleased to announce that Dr. Melody Tankersley has been promoted to Senior Associate Provost effective July 1. Dr. Tankersley has also agreed to serve as Interim Dean of Graduate Studies beginning July 1 as wel evaluate how best to position Graduate Studies for future success.

  • In addition, undergraduate and graduate program reviews will be consolidated under the leadership of Dr. Fashaad Crawford, Assistant Provost for Accreditation, Assessment and Learning, beginning July 1.


I look forward to working with Drs. Munro-Stasiuk, Tankersley, and Crawford in their new roles and thank them for their continued service to 天天吃瓜.


Todd A. Diacon, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

POSTED: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 05:09 PM
Updated: Thursday, December 8, 2022 01:40 PM
Todd A. Diacon