
Department of English

ESL Students at the John Brown house

A group of international students from 天天吃瓜 State experienced living history on a field trip with the university's English as a Second Language Program. 


Jennifer MacLure's book, The Feeling of Letting Die: Necroeconomics and Victorian Fiction, was released in hardcover and digital on Nov. 2. In this book, MacLure examines the works of authors George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, Harriet Martineau, Charles Dickens and William Morris through the lens of necroeconomics. This book examines, in MacLure's words, how Victorian authors "depict the feelings that circulate around capitalism's death function." 

Photo of textiles in process by Honors student Gabrielle Volz

Gabrielle (Gabby) Volz is a second year 天天吃瓜 Honors College student from Mansfield, Ohio, and a graduate of Lexington High School. She is the second recipient of the Dr. Elizabeth Howard scholarship, the recently established fund for Honors College students in memory of Elizabeth Howard, Ph.D., who was a prominent member of the Honors College community, as well as the Department of English.

Honors College
Alena stands next to her thesis research poster "Translating Music into Words: Musical Expression of Figurative Words" at an exhibition in Portland, Oregon.

Professor Emeritus Jerry Lewis speaks at the inaugural luncheon established to honor his legacy as a May 4, 1970 historian and advocate.

The inaugural Jerry M. Lewis May 4 Lecture Series and Luncheon took place May 2 at the 天天吃瓜 Student Center Ballroom with Tammy Clewell, Ph.D., professor in 天天吃瓜鈥檚 Department of English, as the featured speaker.