
Locating Links With Specific Text in the URL

How to use Siteimprove to find a link that contains specific text on your site.

Siteimprove Quality Assurance

Using Siteimprove as a tool, you can easily locate pages that include specific text within a link. In our example below we are searching for .cfm, a reference to our old content management system.

Don't have a login?


  • Locate Inventory in the left-hand navigation.
  • Click the (+) plus sign to expand.
  • Select Links, which is the third option down. 

SiteImprove left-hand navigation image. Click on inventory and then on links.

searching for specific links

  • In the Search: URL bar on the far right of the page enter: .cfm
  • Click the magnifying glass or enter on your keyboard to prompt the search.
  • All links within your site that include .cfm will display in your results.
    • Results can be exported to Microsoft Excel using the export/arrow button.

SiteImprove link search bar. Type in .cfm.

Identifying LINKS  

  • Hover with your mouse over one of the search result rows. 
  • You will see a plus sign appear in the last column (the Pages column). 
  • Click the plus sign to expand. Click the minus sign to compress.
    • This will display the pages that use the .cfm link. 
    • If you hover with your mouse over these rows you will have the option to go to that specific page's report. 
    • If the link is broken, it will be identified. 
    • If the link has yet to be broken, you will need to identify it.

​Hover over your results and you will receive the option to click the magnifying glass and visit that page where the link lives.

Next Steps

  • Once you have identified your .cfm links and the pages they live on, please log into Drupal. 
  • Locate the page the .cfm link is on and update the link. 
  • Links should be updated to the new Drupal node IDs. 
    • Example
      • The Page Report in Siteimprove (image below) shows Information on how to read the audit as a link.
        • Hovering over that link shows it is linking to www2.kent.edu/gps which is not yet broken. 
      • Log into Drupal and locate the page that houses the link.
        • Remove: www2.kent.edu/gps
        • Update: /node/73186
        • This tells Drupal to link to the www.kent.edu/gps page.
        • Should this page name or URL ever change, the link will not break, as it is linked to the node ID.

SiteImprove page report will allow you to see broken links, spelling, etc.