Faculty Workload and Workload Equivalents
All full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty of the department are expected to carry a maximum workload of twenty-four (24) credit hours per academic year. Full-time non-tenure track faculty members are expected to carry a maximum workload of thirty (30) credit hours per academic year. (See University Policy Register 3342-6-18) The workload for each individual faculty member is assigned by the Chair with the approval of the Dean. The FAC shall advise the Chair on issues related to teaching assignments, class schedules and the appropriate application of workload equivalents. The Chair shall provide each faculty member with a statement of her/his workload.
Annual Workload Summary Report
Each continuing tenured faculty member is to prepare and submit on The Faculty Information system an Annual Workload Summary Report for the previous academic year by September 15. This report is to identify and update the faculty member's efforts, accomplishments, scholarly contributions, ongoing professional activities, service and interests during that academic year. These reports will become an ongoing record of each Faculty member's professional activities providing information related to grant activities, collaborative scholarship and teaching activities.
The annual workload summary report submitted by the Faculty member shall be in the form of an annual updated curriculum vitae, a brief summary of the previous year’s professional activities, and the course syllabi for each course or section of course taught by the Faculty member during the previous academic year. The summary of activities for ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï Campus faculty should be recorded on the Department of English Summary of Annual Workload Form. The Chair shall add to the report copies of the summaries of course evaluations for each course section taught during the previous academic year. If necessary, the Chair/School Director/Dean may request additional information from the Faculty member to clarify summary information and the Faculty member shall respond in a timely fashion. The purpose of this report is to document the workload, including utilization of the specified workload equivalencies, for that academic year. This report may be used in planning future workload equivalencies. Any other use of the report requires the consent of the Faculty member. -
Annual Workload Report Form
Name: AY:
Authored books published
Edited collections published
Textbooks published
Scholarly editions/bibliographies published
Journals edited
Articles published
Edited collection chapters published
Translations published
Poems published
Short stories published
Creative non-fiction essays published
Plays published
Book series edited
Book reviews published
Conference papers presented
Plenary/invited speeches presented
Major external grant applications submitted
Major external grants awarded
Book MSS reviewed
Grant proposals reviewed
Journal article submissions reviewed
Extramural promotion cases reviewed
Major software patented/copyrighted
External research fellowships won
Sections taught
Individual investigations completed
Sections taught
Individual investigations directed
Programs coordinated
Programs chaired
Major departmental committees chaired
Major departmental committees served on
Major ad hoc committees chaired
Major ad hoc committees served on
Major non-departmental committees chaired
Major non-departmental committees served on
Major college committees served on
Major campus committees served on
Major university committees served on
Scholarly journal editorial boards served on
Writing contests judged
Regional/national/international professional
offices held
Classroom observation reports (colleague) written
Extramural committees served on
Outreach activities coordinated/conducted
Undergraduate research assistant supervised ______
Writing portfolios directed to completion
Honors theses directed to completion
Writing portfolio committees (completed)
Honors thesis committees (completed)
Honors Research Project (completed) ______
Doctoral dissertation defense committees served on
Doctoral dissertation defense committee, Graduate
Representative ______
Doctoral qualifying exams assessed
Dissertation Prospectus Oral Defense Advisor
or Co-advisor ______
Dissertation Prospectus Oral Defense Committee
Member ______
MA Theses directed to completion ______
MFA theses directed to completion
MA thesis defense committees served on
MA TESL Portfolios Assessed ______
MFA thesis defense committees served on
MA exams assessed
Placement Committee Chair ______
Placement Committee member
Workload Equivalents for Departmental Administrative Responsibilities
Workload equivalencies are granted to faculty members who are involved in substantial departmental administrative activities. Although other administrative duties may be required in the future and others eliminated, at the present time, annual workload equivalents will be granted to Program Coordinators and Directors according to the schedule in Table 1. Other administrative responsibilities may arise from time to time, and with the approval of the Chair, FAC, and the College Dean, workload equivalents may be negotiated for these. Further, the Coordinators, Chairs, and Directors shall not be required to work during the summer unless on summer administrative appointment.
Table 1. Administrative Workload Equivalents
Title / Name of Assignment
Load Equivalent
Brief Description of Duties
Assistant to Chair
See Section 1
Graduate Studies Coordinator
Up to 9
See Section 1
UG Studies Coordinator
See Section 1
Ass’t UG Studies Coordinator (NTT)
Up to 15
See Section 1
Writing Program Coordinator
See Section 1
Ass’t WPC (NTT)
Up to 15
See Section 1
Director, ESL Center
Up to 9
See Section 1
Director, Writing Commons (NTT)
Up to 15
See Section 1
Workload Equivalents for Research and Advising
Tenure-track ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï Campus faculty active in research or creative writing also normally will be given equivalents for appropriate scholarly or creative productivity according to the schedule in Table 2. The review period for research productivity is 5 years. Scholarship points follow guidelines for research for Graduate Faculty Status, referenced in Section 4. Tenured faculty who receive these equivalencies will be reviewed annually by the Chair by means of the faculty member’s Annual Workload Summary Report. Equivalencies above the hours indicated in Tables 2 and 3 below are subject to approval by the Chair and the Dean.
Table 2. Research Productivity Workload EquivalentsProductivity over 5-Year Review Period
Performance Rating
WLE in Hours/AY
5 publication points (PP) or 4 PP+2 equivalence points (EP)
4 PP or 3 PP + 2 EP
Very Good
2 PP + 1 EP
1PP + 1 EP
Table 3. Advising Productivity Workload Equivalents
Course equivalencies are determined by the average points earned over the prior 3 year period according to the following scale. Points are tallied from annual productivity reports submitted by each faculty member and checked against departmental records.
An average of 4 pts. /year earns a 1-course (3 CH) equivalency (I.E., at least 12 points total for 3 years).
Advising Activity
Program Chair
Dissertation Defense Committee Member, including Outside Discipline Member; earned once defense is completed
MA/ /MA TESL Thesis Defense Committee Member; earned once defense is completed
MFA Thesis Committee Member; earned once defense is completed
1 /student
TESL Portfolio Assessed
Dissertation Prospectus Oral Advisor or Co-Advisor; earned once prospectus is approved
Doctoral Exam Evaluated
MA Exam Assessed
Placement Committee Chair
Job Placement Committee Member
Writing Portfolio Directed; earned once Portfolio is completed
1 /student
Honors Thesis Directed; earned once thesis is defended
Honors Research Project Directed; earned once Project is completed
Individual Investigation; earned upon completion of II
Up to 1 (a 3-hour Ind. Invest. earns 1 point)
Undergraduate Research Assistant Supervision; earned upon completion of research
Workload Equivalents for Dissertation/Thesis Direction
Dissertation supervision allows the director to elect, once only, a 3-hour equivalent for one semester at an appropriate time in the student’s career, for example, during the semester that the student defends. Directors of M.A. and M.A. TESL theses earn 2 hours of WLE per completed thesis. Directors of M.F.A. theses earn 2.5 hours of WLE per completed thesis.
Workload Equivalents for Distance/Distributed Teaching
Faculty who initially develop a course for electronic delivery or who agree to revise a course extensively for electronic delivery shall receive a one-time cash payment, payment to be made upon completion of the development of the course, following procedures described in the CBA. Faculty developing or revising a course for distance learning are expected to submit their request with a syllabus to the appropriate program committee (Writing, Undergraduate Studies, or Graduate Studies Committee) for review. The Program Committee will make a recommendation to the Department Chair.
Minimum Teaching and Advising Responsibilities
- Normally, workload equivalents will result in a faculty member teaching no fewer than four classes over the course of the academic year, with the exception of the Department Chair and faculty who receive equivalents for internal or University administrative appointments. (Note: This minimum does not apply to time purchased by grants or when a faculty member is on University research or professional improvement leave. In such cases, the academic-year minimum teaching load is to be negotiated with the Chair.) Faculty on a one-semester leave are expected to teach 9 hours in the remaining semester. Faculty receiving workload equivalencies for research are expected to be active in advising graduate students, through membership on advising, examination, and/or dissertation/thesis committees; mentoring; participation in placement workshops; etc.
Special Provisions for Teaching Loads
a. Discretionary Load Reductions: The Chair can authorize discretionary teaching load reductions for certain duties or short-term tasks performed by faculty (3 hours/semester) but will consult with the FAC regarding teaching load reductions for long-term tasks (covering more than 3 hours or for work extending into another semester). Specifics of any workload equivalent in excess of 3 hours shall be reported and discussed with FAC, sent to the College Dean for approval, and reported back to FAC in a timely manner.
b. Teaching Outside the Department/Team Teaching: Faculty members who wish to teach outside the Department (for example, in the Experimental and Integrative Studies Program) or team teach with a colleague in another academic unit must secure approval from the Chair in advance if the class is to be counted as part of the teaching load. In the determination of teaching loads and schedules, the needs of the Department take priority, although every effort will be made to accommodate the needs of other programs in which English faculty may teach.
c. Teaching Large Sections: Faculty who teach two (2) large sections of undergraduate classes over the course of two consecutive academic years shall receive a reduction of one course in a subsequent semester consistent with the minimum teaching responsibilities defined in subsection F.7 above. Large classes shall be defined as those with enrollments of 50 students or more, including those courses that are electronically purveyed. -
Pre-tenure Load Reductions
Untenured assistant professors on ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï Campus normally receive 9 workload equivalency hours per academic year during the first two years of the probationary period. Pre-tenure equivalency hours in subsequent years must be approved by the Chair and normally will not exceed 6 hours.
Banked Workload Equivalencies
Faculty may carry over WLE credits or debits of a maximum of 3 hours from one semester to another; the transfer must be completed within 3 AY semesters. Faculty on FPIL or other leave (academic appointment, medical, etc.) must transfer credits within 3 AY semesters after they return from leave. Such transfers will be recorded on each semester’s workload statement.
The Department discourages faculty from taking on regular academic year overload assignments, but on rare occasions overloads may be authorized by the Chair with the approval of the relevant Dean. It is also possible that, by mutual agreement of the Chair and the faculty member, a temporary overload in one semester may be balanced by a reduction in another, provided that the total load for the academic year remains at the 24-hour norm.