Faculty Professional Improvement Leave
This document is intended to serve as a supplement to University Policies 3342-6-12 (University policy regarding faculty professional improvement leave) and 3342-6-12.101 (Operational procedures regarding faculty professional improvement leaves). It specifically addresses terms of leaves, application and review processes, and post-leave reporting for Faculty in University Libraries. Before applying for Professional Improvement Leave, the Faculty member should review both the University Policies noted above and the guidelines that follow.
All regular, full-time tenured members of the Faculty at the rank of assistant professor or higher who are in their seventh year of regular tenure-track appointment by the university are eligible to apply for a Faculty Professional Improvement Leave. Any faculty member granted Faculty Professional Improvement Leave is not eligible for another Faculty Professional Improvement leave for a period of seven years after the Faculty Professional Improvement Leave has been completed.
The granting of such leaves is not automatic. In applying for such leaves, UL Faculty should be mindful of the following principles:- The proposed activity (or activities) should be a well-defined scholarly project(s) with a specific end-product(s).
- The project(s) should fit within the mission/goals of UL or the University, and contribute significantly to the professional growth of the individual.
- The Faculty member should be able to complete the project(s) successfully within the time allotted.
Leave Terms
UL Faculty may take Professional Improvement Leave in one of the following ways.
Option #1: 136 calendar days in length with full benefits and 100% of the Faculty member's salary.
Option #2: 272 calendar days in length with full benefits and 50% of the Faculty member's salary.
3.1 These leaves can begin no earlier than the beginning of the fiscal year which encompasses the academic year for which the sabbatical was granted. They must conclude no later than seven calendar days before the beginning of the next academic year.
3.2 Leave days within UL do not need to be taken consecutively. A Faculty member may request flexible scheduling through discussion with the supervisor. Final approval must be obtained from the Dean.
Application Process
4.1 The applicant for a Professional Improvement Leave should submit the following materials to the Dean of University Libraries by the date specified by the Provost's Office (usually mid-October) of the academic year prior to the intended leave period. Regional campus applicants must also submit copies of these materials to their Campus Dean and the Executive Dean for Regional Campuses.
- Current curriculum vitae
- Reports of outcomes of previous leaves taken including prior Professional Improvement Leaves or leave for participation in exchange programs.
- Proposal for Professional Improvement Leave
- Statement on proposed coverage of the applicant's job responsibilities, as discussed with his or her supervisor.
4.2 The Proposal for Professional Improvement Leave (no longer than 1,000 words) should include the following elements:
- Name of applicant
- Date of proposal
- Dates of intended Professional Improvement Leave
- Academic year in which applicant was appointed as a tenure-track Faculty member and start and end dates of any prior Professional Improvement Leave(s)
- Description of the proposed project including a discussion of how it would contribute to scholarship
- Statement of how the proposed project would advance the mission/goals of UL or the University
- Statement of how the proposed project would advance the applicant's professional growth and development
- Statement of anticipated end-products
- Identification of other appointments to be held during the proposed leave period, if any
Review Process
5.1 Applications received by the Dean's office are reviewed by CAC which will consider the following criteria in its assessment of each application:
- Confirmation of the applicant's eligibility for Faculty Professional Improvement Leave
- Value of the proposed project to the mission/goals of UL or the University
- The extent to which the proposed project has a clearly defined end product
- The feasibility of completing the proposed project within the time period of the leave
5.2 CAC will advise the Dean of University Libraries as to the merits and acceptability of each proposal.
5.3 In the case that multiple applications are received from ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï campus Faculty, CAC should rank applications by considering all the following criteria:- How well the proposal meets the review criteria
- Applicants who have the greatest years of service to the University at the time of submission
- Applicants for whom the interval since the last award of a faculty professional improvement leave has been greatest.
5.4 The Dean of University Libraries, after consulting with the CAC, will determine for each proposal the budget and staffing capability of the department to cover the job responsibilities of the ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï campus Faculty member requesting the leave. The Dean will then make a decision based on both the merits of the proposal and the capacity of the department to provide the staffing support required by the proposal.
5.5 The Dean will forward the proposal(s) and a recommendation memorandum for ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï campus Faculty to the Office of Faculty Affairs and Curriculum. The memorandum should address the following points:- Confirmation of eligibility of the applicant and the completeness of the application
- Comments on the value of the proposed leave project to both University Libraries and to the applicant's professional growth
- A report on ranking of applications if more than one is being submitted by University Libraries
- A report on staffing implications if leave is granted
5.6 In the case of Regional Campus Faculty, the Dean of University Libraries will forward a recommendation based only on the merits of the proposal to the Executive Dean for Regional Campuses. The memorandum should address the following points:- Confirmation of eligibility of the applicant and the completeness of the application
- Comments on the value of the proposed leave project to both University Libraries and to the applicant's professional growth
5.7 After forwarding the recommendation and proposal to the appropriate office, the Dean of University Libraries shall inform the faculty member of the status of the proposal.
Post-Leave Report
No later than two months following completion of a Faculty Professional Improvement Leave, the Faculty member must submit a summary report of the outcomes of the leave. This report should include a discussion of how the objectives of the leave were met and expected future outcomes that might result from the leave. This report should be submitted to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost, with copies going to the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Curriculum, the Dean of UL, and the secretary of UL CAC. A copy of any end-product(s) should also be included with the report sent to the Dean of UL and the secretary of the UL CAC. The secretary of UL CAC will distribute copies to the members of CAC. In the case of regional campus faculty, copies must also be sent to the Executive Dean for Regional Campuses and the campus Dean.
1/2/98 (original policy)
Revision approved by UL Faculty, 2/7/2008
Revision approved by UL Faculty, 9/14/10

Receipt acknowledged by the Provost's Office, 9/1710

Final approval, 8/31/11