Faculty Representatives, Chair, and Secretary
Representatives of the Faculty
A. The representatives of the UL faculty shall be the Faculty or all the members of the CAC.
B. The Faculty may elect other such representatives as the needs of UL require.
Qualification, Election, and Term of Office for Representatives on College Advisory Committee
A. All representatives on CAC shall be members of the Faculty or NTT faculty.
B. Nominations of candidates for Faculty representative positions on CAC and Secretary shall be presented by a nominating committee made up of those Faculty CAC members whose term is expiring. In making nominations, the nominating committee shall consider eligible members of the Faculty from the 天天吃瓜 campus and the Regional Campuses. The nominating committee shall follow the ratio of tenured/untenured Faculty to be elected to CAC as set by CAC in compliance with the requirements of these Bylaws (鈥淐ommittees,鈥 Section A). Nominations shall be circulated with the agenda prior to the Annual Meeting. The process for the election of an NTT faculty representative can be found in 鈥淐ommittees,鈥 Section A below.
C. Elections and voting for Faculty and NTT faculty representatives and Secretary are to follow election guidelines found in the 鈥淐ommittees,鈥 Section A below.
D. All elected representatives shall serve for two years, or until their successors are elected. The terms of Faculty representatives begin at the close of the Annual Meeting at which they are elected.
E. In the event that a representative or Secretary is not able to serve, the CAC shall appoint an eligible member to complete the portion of the unexpired term up to the next Annual Meeting. A new representative or Secretary will then be nominated and voted on, according to the procedures as specified in these Bylaws. The person appointed shall serve only the remainder of the unexpired term. If the vacancy occurs within two months of the next election, the position will remain vacant for that period.
Chair and Secretary
A. The Dean, when present, shall preside at all meetings of the CAC, Faculty meetings, meetings of the Faculty and NTT faculty, and meetings of the entire faculty, and perform generally all duties incidental to the office of Chair.
B. In the absence of the Dean, the Associate Dean of UL will serve as Chair. In the event that the Associate Dean is also unavailable, the Secretary shall call the meeting to order and immediately call for nominations from the floor for a temporary Chair. A voice vote shall determine the temporary Chair.
C. The Secretary shall serve for one year.
D. The Secretary shall be the custodian of the current official records of the Faculty, and shall keep minutes of all Faculty meetings, meetings of the Faculty and NTT faculty, and meetings of the entire faculty, (see 鈥淐ommittees,鈥 Section A.7).
E. The Secretary shall be the custodian of the current official records of the CAC, shall keep minutes of all meetings of the CAC (see 鈥淐ommittees,鈥 Section A.7), and shall perform such other duties as shall be assigned by the CAC.