Political Science
- Huffman, Maya. (2022). . Advisor: Ashley Nickels.
- Austin, David L. (2021). Advisor: Timothy Scarnecchia.
- Koleski, John J. (2021). Advisor: Timothy Scarnecchia.
- Moranelli, Ryan A. (2021). Advisor: Julie Mazzei.
- Francis, Reuben. (2020). Advisor: Gabriella Paar-Jakli.
- Haynie, Joshua. (2020). Advisor: Gabriella Paar-Jakli.
- O'Flynn, Padraigin M. (2019). Advisor: Joshua Stacher.
- Wiley, Nolan E. (2019). Advisor: Christopher Banks.
- Moorman, Kathleen A. (2018). Advisor: Julie Mazzei.
- Swoger, Megan R. (2018). Advisor: Julie Mazzei.
- Durr, Samantha J. (2017). Advisor: Babacar M'Baye.
- Richardson, Brianna. (2017). . Advisor: Shawn Rohlin.
- McCrea, Austin. (2016). . Advisor: Daniel Hawes.
- Chapman, Jessica. (2016). . Advisor: Landon Hancock.
- Vaca Daza, Jhanisse. (2016). . Advisor: Julie Mazzei.
- Brosius, Logan. (2015). Advisor: Leslie Heaphy.
- Haas, Aric R. (2015). Advisor: Hui Yu.
- Hart, Alexander M. (2015). . Advisor: Gabriella Paar-Jakli.
- Kline, Michaela. (2015). . Advisor: Julie Mazzei.
- King, James. (2013). Advisor: Richard Robyn.
- Krisanda, Sarah. (2013). Advisor: Julie Mazzei.
- Walsh, Thomas. (2013) Communitarian and Liberal Views of Justice (A Contractarian Development). Advisor: Christopher Banks.
- Bolgari, Alexandr. (2011). Advisor: Victor Papacosma.
- Hook, Christopher. (2011). Advisor: Matthew Kemp.
- Murphy, Lindsey. (2011). Advisor: Julie Mazzei.
- Banyas IIII, Thomas. (2010). A Comprehensive Proposal for Israeli-Palestinian Peace. Advisor: Julie Mazzei.
- Craig, David. (2010). Employee Ownership: A Comparative Study. Advisor: Jacquelyn Yates.
- Lucas, Anne. (2010). Advisor: Landon Hancock.
- Cararn, Emily. (2009). Hijabify My World: Cultural Conflict and Resolution in the Life of an American Muslim. Advisor: Mahbobeh Vezvaei.
- Joseph, Jessica. (2008). Female Elected Officials and Personality: A Descriptive Analysis. Advisor: Gertrude Steuernagel.
- Oliver, Jera. (2008). Educational Reform and Achievement Outcomes in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Advisor: Vernon Sykes.
- Zaidan, Megan. (2008). Institutional Power: Can Congress Change Members' Behavior over Time? Advisor: Jason McDonald.
- O'Dell Scott, Megan. (2007). A Case Study: Church and State Relations Following Hurricane Katrina. Advisor: Erin O'Brien.
- Fai, Susika. (2004). Justice Anthony Kennedy: Pragmatic Conservative on the Rehnquist Court. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Wade, Anastasia. (2004). Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Her Background, Voting Patterns, Doctrinal Principles, and Philosophy. Advisor: Thomas Henley.
- Waller, Jason. (2004). The Transition Emperor as a Solution to the Problem of War in the Augustinian Imperial System. Advisor: N/A.
- Broadwater, Jeremy. (2003). How the Modernization of the Senate and Institutional Constraints Affect the Nomination Process and President George W. Bush. Advisor: Ken Fernandez.
- Miller, 天天吃瓜. (2002). Biological and Chemical Terrorism, A Threat Assessment: An Examination of Feasibility of the Production, Dissemination, and Utilization of Chemical and Biological Weapons by Non-State Actors. Advisor: N/A.
- DePaul, Sara. (2001). The Supreme Court and American Society: The Impact of the Rehnquist Court's Decisions on the Structure of American Federalism. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Postlethwaite, Joni. (2001). The Impact of the Rehnquist Court's Fourth Amendment Warrantless Search Cases: Do Decisions Really Make a Difference? Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Kinsler, Traci. (1998). The Rehnquist Court: Assessing the Impact of Membership Change on Supreme Court Policy in the Area of Federalism. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Miller, Tiffany. (1998). Derolph v. Ohio (1997): Measuring Judicial Activism in Court Decisions. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Proskey, Diana. (1998). Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union: An Analysis of the Supreme Court's First Examination of First Amendment Issues on the Internet. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- McLaughlin, Justin. (1997). Agenda Setting and Private School Vouchers: The Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program. Advisor: Gertrude Steuernagel.
- Labo, Matthew. (1997). Workplace Democracy: Promises Fulfilled. Advisor: John Logue.
- Burris, Sarah. (1997). An Analysis of the Rehnquist Court's Approach to Freedom of Expression Cases. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Friedel, Kirsten. (1996). Free Exercise Clause Jurisprudence: Consistency or Chaos? Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Weinberg, Steven. (1995). The Doors of Intolerance: The Politics of Political Correctness and Multiculturalism. Advisor: Steven Brown.
- Williams, Tracy. (1995). The Alvarez Case: Stretching the Limits of U.S. Law Enforcement. Advisor: Richard Craig.
- Glasgow, Deborah. (1994). The Rehnquist Court and Race Discrimination in Education: What Happened to Brown v. Board of Education. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Vassiles, Chrysanthe. (1993). The Rehnquist Court and Affirmative Action: Has a Conservative Counter-Revolution Occurred. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Litkovitz, Amy. (1992). The Rehnquist Court and the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Rischitelli, Robert. (1992). The Incorporation of the Bill of Rights. Advisor: Byron Lander.
- Evans, Rhonda. (1992). The Rehnquist Court: Conservative Counterrevolution within the Area of Sex Discrimination. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Barton, Melanie. (1992). The Politics of Sexual Torture: The Political and Psychological Motivation for Gross Human Rights Abuses Against Women by the Military During the 1973 Chilean Coup. Advisor: Richard Craig.
- Wenninger, Dorn. (1991). Peru's Narco-Insurgency Nexus: Sendero Luminoso and Illicit Drug Trafficking. Advisor: Richard Craig.
- Peters, Julie. (1991). The Rehnquist Court's Influence on the Free Exercise of Religion. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Parrish, Matthew. (1991). The Rehnquist Court and Warrantless Searches and Seizures: A Constitutional Counterrevolution? Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Kaiser, Lawrence. (1991). To Guide Another Age: Reflections on the Political Thought of Henry Kissinger, 1969-1976. Advisor: James Best.
- Domen, Michelle. (1991). Counter-Revolution on the Rehnquist Court? An Analysis of Death Penalty Decision Making. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Barber, Marcia. (1991). The Rehnquist Court and a Conservative Counter-Revolution within the Area of Miranda. Advisor: Thomas Hensley.
- Kennedy, Joan. (1989). An Exploration of Postfeminism at 天天吃瓜. Advisor: Gertrude Steuernagel.
- Griffith, Martin. (1987). The History and Evolution of Modern Televised Political Advertisements in Presidential Election Campaigns, 1952-1964. Advisor: Thomas Yantek.
- Doane, Michael. (1986). The Development of Inter-German Relations. Advisors: Robert Clawson, Lawrence Kaplan.
- Dierks, Mark. (1985). The Continuing Search for a Solution to the Namibian Problem: Settlement Plans for Namibia. Advisor: Boleslaw Boczek.
- Durr, Robert. (1985). The Role of the News Media in American Politics. Advisor: Robert Clawson.
- Weissman, Barbara. (1985). Employee Buyouts as an Alternative to Plant Closings: The Ohio Experience. Advisor: John Logue.
- Ohlin, Charles. (1985). Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha: an Overview of the Legislative Veto Decision and Its Impact Upon the Federal Government Two Years Later. Advisor: Byron Lander.
- Max, Kirsten. (1985). Christianity in the Soviet Union: Why It Persists in the Face of Attack. Advisor: Robert Clawson.
- Roberto, Cheryl. (1984). Student Leader Compensation Model for 天天吃瓜. Advisor: N/A.
- Hickman, David. (1983). The M-19: Urban Guerilla Warfare in Columbia. Advisor: Richard Craig.
- Kazel, Karen. (1983). Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy: Ratification of the Major United Nations Covenants on Human Rights. Advisor: George Betts.
- McClellan Jr., Donald. (1983). Free Press v. Fair Trial. Advisors: Thomas Hensley, Gene Stebbins.
- Bucklew Jr., Roberto. (1983). Genocide in the Post World War II Era and the International Response. Advisor: George Betts.
- Fisher, Judith. (1982). Q-Methodological Study of Attitudinal Changes in Vanderbilt Students Abroad. Advisor: Richard Craig.
- Veizer, Timothy. (1982). A Study of the May 4th Coalition Using Smelser's Theory of Collective Behavior. Advisors: Thomas Hensley, Jerry Lewis.
- Bonaparte, Lisa. (1980). Battered Women: One of These Days...Pow, Right in the Kisser. Advisors: James Best, Byron Lander.
- Brinkley, David. (1980). A Framework for Analysis of Presidential Diplomacy: Jimmy Carter's 1979 State Visit to Mexico. Advisor: Richard Craig.
- Menassa, Lucie. (1980). Organizational Structure and Voter Contact in a Primary Campaign: A Case Study. Advisor: George Betts.
- Rothenbuecher, Linda. (1979). A Different Pilgrimage. Advisor: Robert Clawson.
- Bon, William. (1979). Angolan Independence and the Rise of MPLA. Advisor: George Betts.
- Hoge, Michael. (1977). Technology Transfer to Mexico Through Direct Investment: A Case Study. Advisor: Robert Clawson.
- Volsky, Kerry. (1976). The OAS and Cuba: A Changing Relationship. Advisor: Richard Craig.
- McMillan, Catherine. (1975). Role Perceptions and the Potential for Influence of Congressional Committee Staffs, U.S. House of Representatives. Advisor: George Betts.
- Wig, Christian. (1975). Participatory Democracy: A Justification. Advisors: Jeffrey Orenstein, Gordon Keller.
- Macce, Barbara. (1974). Political Socialization - Fourth Grade Students. Advisor: John Gargan.
- Rubin, Irma. (1973). Privacy Rights of Residence Hall Students at 天天吃瓜. Advisor: Marvin Meade.
- Davis, Marsha. (1972). The Political and Economic Implications of Tanzania's Fifteen-Year Plan. Advisor: Murray Fishel.
- Golden, A. Thomas. (1972). A Study of Political Socialization among Seniors in Two Ohio High Schools. Advisor: Robert Clawson.
- Jackson, Catherine. (1972). Q-Analysis of an Incident of Collective Behavior. Advisor: Jerry Lewis.
- Metzler, Barbara. (1972). McCarthyism: Its Roots and Its Manifestations. Advisor: George Betts.
- Patt, Richard. (1972). Soviet Influence on the Ideologies of Guerilla Groups in the Middle East. Advisor: Robert Clawson.
- Reece, Daniel. (1971). The Indigent's Right to Counsel. Advisor: Barclay McMillen.
- Johnston, William. (1971). Historical Development and Recent Issues of the 4th Amendment. Advisor: N/A.
- Hall, Nancy. (1971). A Case Analysis of the Impact of Schools of Legal Philosophy. Advisor: Barclay McMillen.
- Bixenstine, Barton. (1971). Federalism in Nigeria. Advisor: Murray Fishel.
- Ghee, Larry. (1971). An Impressionistic Survey of McLuhan's Ideas. Advisor: N/A.
- Graues, Marco. (1971). Politics Magazine, an Analytical Consideration. Advisor: Richard Taylor.
- Thompson Jr., Ernest. (1970). A Study of Bail in Respect to the Indigent Defendant. Advisor: Thomas Ungs.
- Moore, Paul. (1970). Robert Moses: The Horatio Alger of the Public Service. Advisor: Gordon Keller.
- Shahan, Carolyn. (1969). Perspective of Firearms Legislation - History, Influence, Opinion. Advisor: Richard Taylor.
- Kuhn, David. (1969). The Open-Housing Title of the Civil Rights Act of 1968: Its Legislative Evolution and Development and Its Symbolic Aspects and Function. Advisor: Richard Taylor.
- Frye, Judith. (1969). The Urban Coalition. Advisor: Richard Taylor.
- Ellithorp, John. (1969). Emotional Experiences in Political Groups: The Case of Followers of Eugene McCarthy. Advisor: Steven Brown.
- Mowbray, Alan. (1967). Why the Return of Porkkala? (A Study in Soviet-Finnish Relations). Advisor: Robert Clawson.
- Birkner, Frederick. (1967). Soviet Nationality Policy in Ukraine 1903-1939. Advisor: Boczek.
- Kettler, Richard. (1966). The Foundations of West German Democracy. Advisor: H.L. Smith.
- Owendoff, Stephen. (1966). The Inadmissibility of Evidence and its Effects. Advisor: J.K. Olsen.
- Walsh, Anthony. (1966). The Conscientious Objector and the Courts. Advisor: J.K. Olsen.
- Bischoff, Barbara. (1964). Annexation: The Policy and the Possibility. Advisor: Robert Getz.
- Karasek, Jo. (1964). The Role of the International Court of Justice in International Relations. Advisor: J.K. Olsen.
- Mills, Kathryn. (1964). Isolation in the Truman Administration. Advisor: N/A.
- Morgan, Noel. (1964). The Role of Ideology in the Sino-Soviet Split. Advisor: J.K. Olsen.
- Hudson, Dorothy. (1941). Democracy in the Federal Convention. Advisor: Louis Tohill.