- Fender, Hannah (2024). Advisor: Phillip Hamrick
- Scott, Lindsay. (2023). . Advisor: Amy Sato.
- Collins, Adelaide (2022). . Advisor: Christopher Flessner.
- Haase, Marcus E. (2021). Advisor: Jocelyn Folk.
- Straub, Elizabeth L. (2021.) Advisor: Douglas Delahanty.
- Baldwin, Emily D. (2020). Advisor: Mary Ann Devine.
- Neville, Steven P. (2020). Advisor: Jennifer Taber.
- Sigward, Macy M. (2020). Advisor: Yossef Ben-Porath.
- Woodbury, Lauren H. (2020). Advisors: Clarissa Thompson and Jennifer Taber.
- Allen, Mackenzie A. (2019). Advisor: Joel Hughes.
- Betz, Jennifer R. (2019). Advisor: J. Brad Shepherd.
- Callen, Ruby J. (2019). Advisor: Yossef Ben-Porath.
- Howe, Inola A. (2019). Advisor: Douglas Delahanty.
- Hutson, Fredrick. (2019). Advisor: J. Brad Shepherd.
- Lagunovich, Robert J. (2019). The Effects Of Acting White Accusation In Emerging Adults. Advisor: Angela Neal-Barnett.
- Childers, Marie B. (2018). Advisor: Jocelyn Folk.
- Choi, Samantha S. (2018). Advisor: Jennifer Taber.
- Kotik, Jessica D. (2018). Advisor: Christopher Was.
- Stamborski, Kelsey M. (2018). Advisor: Jennifer Taber.
- Green, Sydney N. (2018). Advisor: John Updegraff
- Kleman, Nadine C. (2018). Advisor: Beth Wildman.
- McLeod, Mason A. (2018). Advisor: John Dunlosky.
- Pallo, Alyssa M. (2018). Advisor: Joel Hughes.
- Buerke, Morgan L. (2017). Advisor: Jeffrey Ciesla.
- Kasperczyk, Megan. (2017). Advisor: Josefina Grau.
- Kimevski, Kara L. (2017). Advisor: Lee Fox-Cardamone.
- Ehrich, Angela C. (2016). Advisor: Beth Wildman.
- Kamis, Kristina. (2016). Advisor: Susan Iverson.
- Leiter, Justin. (2016). Advisor: David Fresco.
- Smith, Nicole K. (2016). Advisors: Mark Whitmore and Joel Hughes.
- Thalluri, Rajaa. (2016). . Advisor: Stephen Fountain.
- Gordo, Myla D. (2015). . Advisor: Judith Gere.
- Kitson, Mary E. (2015). . Advisor: Manfred van Dulmen.
- Kopan, Natalie M. (2015). . Advisors: James Shepherd and Leslie Heaphy.
- Pringle, Kelsey L. (2015). . Advisor: Manfred van Dulmen.
- Qadir, Aneela. (2015). . Advisors: Misty Hawkins and Joel Hughes.
- Stewart, Brad R. (2015). . Advisor: Richard Adams.
- Gaumer, Sarah. (2014). . Advisor: James Shepherd.
- Karanouh-Schuler, Eran J. (2014). . Advisor: Mary Beth Spitznagel.
- Mabee, Jocelyn. (2014). . Advisor: Kathryn Kerns.
- McCreary, S. (2014). . Advisor: David Fresco.
- McKinney, Rebecca A. (2014). . Advisor: Josefina Grau.
- Meister, Jonah. (2014). . Advisor: Mary Beth Spitznagel.
- Shields, Morgan C. (2014). . Advisor: Karin Coifman.
- Bennett, Brooke. (2013).Advisor: Joel Hughes.
- Gorski, Jennifer. (2013). Stress and Coping Across the College Experience. Advisor: Lee Fox-Cardamone.
- Phillips, Kala. (2013).Advisor: David Fresco.
- Spanos, Christopher. (2013). Advisor: Beth Wildman.
- Spee, Grace. (2013). Advisor: Jeffrey Ciesla.
- DeFranco, Rachel. (2012). Advisor: Maria Zaragoza.
- Dickerhoof, Alison. (2012).Advisor: Stephen Fountain.
- Kaufman, Jordan D. (2012). Advisor: J. Brad Shepherd.
- Stuhldreher, Kelly. (2012). Advisor: John Harkness.
- Turner, Sarah. (2012). Advisor: John Dunlosky.
- Upadhyay, Sri. (2012). Advisor: Jocelyn Folk.
- Williams, Brittney. (2012). Advisor: Angela Neal-Barnett.
- Cefus, Jon. (2011). . Advisor: Brian Betz.
- Conaway, Rebecca. (2011). Advisor: Janis Crowther.
- Liggett, Danielle. (2011). Advisor: Manfred Van Dulmen.
- Steinman, Christopher. (2011). Advisor: David Riccio.
- Watson, Jessica. (2011). Advisor: David Fresco.
- Jarosz, Jillian. (2010). Physical Activity Levels Of Children Who Develop PTSD Prior To The Incident Of Stress. Advisor: Doug Delahanty.
- LeHoty, Frances. (2010) Gender Role In Intimate Relationships And Satisfaction. Advisor: Erin Hollenbaugh.
- O'Neil, Rochelle. (2010). Patient Education Interventions For Improved Comprehension. Advisor: Katherine Rawson.
- Robinson, Kelsey. (2010). Advisor: Janis Crowther.
- Salisbury, Erica. (2010). Optimism And Explanation Style: Exploring The Mindsets Of People Who Participate In Community Action Programs. Advisor: Robin Lashley.
- Smith, Joseph. (2010). Effects Of Multiple Cold Exposures On Cognitive Functioning In Healthy Adults. Advisor: John Gunstad.
- Trhlik, Colleen. (2010). Effects Of MK-801 On Rat Serial Pattern Learning In A Novel Paradigm. Advisor: Stephen Fountain.
- Hastings, Amanda. (2009). The Effects Of Triangulation On The Entire Family System. Advisor: Kathryn Kerns.
- Kociuba, Chelsea. (2009). Sleep And Cognition In Older Adults With Cardiovascular Disease. Advisor: John Gunstad.
- Wynne, Alison. (2009). Does Compassion For Oneself Prevent Depression? Advisor: David Fresco.
- Baluck, Tara. (2008). Gender Identity: Relationships to Depression, Anxiety, and Emotion Regulation. Advisor: David Fresco.
- Buchanan, Christen. (2008). Diet and Exercise Self-Efficacy in Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients: No Association to Behavioral Changes. Advisor: John Gunstad.
- Faas, Caitlin. (2008). Emerging Adults' Changes in Relationship with Parents and Living Situations. Advisor: Manfred Van Dulmen.
- Graham, Danielle. (2008). Motivation's Role in Health Message Framing. Advisor: John Updegraff.
- Kalmbach, David. (2008). The Main and Interactive Effects of Dysphoria and Rumination on the Perception and Recall of Control. Advisor: David Fresco.
- Sehic, Dzanela. (2008). Offspring and Parental Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Critical Review of the Intergenerational Transmission of PTSD. Advisor: Douglas Delahanty.
- Smith, Jared. (2008). Attachment and Socialization of Emotional Competence. Advisor: Kathryn Kerns.
- Cherney, Lauren. (2007). Extending the Reduced Concreteness Theory of Worry to Consider Depressive Rumination. Advisor: David Fresco.
- Davis, Amy. (2007). How Preferred Styles of Learning Influence Retention of Math Concepts. Advisor: Lee Fox-Cardamone
- Gable, Chris. (2007). Differences in Parental Ratings of Problematic Child Behavior. Advisor: Beth Wildman.
- Kozak, Julie. (2007). Personality Subtypes as a Determinant of Violence in Psychopaths. Advisors: Dan Flannery and Manfred Van Dulmen.
- Schmitt, Ericka. (2007). The Prediction of Optimism and Self-Esteem by the Pavlovian Temperament Survey (PTS). Advisor: Benjamin Newberry.
- Turbyfill, Crystal. (2007). Comparing Signed and Spoken Languages: From Neurology to Pedagogy. Advisor: James B. Shepherd.
- Watson, Beth. (2007). The Effects of a Negative Mood-Priming Challenge on Explanatory Flexibility. Advisor: David Fresco.
- Dettling, Keri Anne (2006). Effectiveness of Self-Monitoring through Conjoint Behavioral Consultation. Advisor: Melody Tankersley.
- Garlock, Diana. (2006). Contextual Control over Interference and Evidence for Negative Transfer. Advisor: David C. Ricco.
- Garner, Nicole. (2006). Correlates of Eating Disorders. Advisor: Irene Gianakos.
- Giroux, Danielle. (2006). The Influence of Prior Training on Conditional Reasoning Capabilities. Advisor: Jocelyn Folk.
- King, Joy. (2006). An Evaluation of the Factor Structure of the Multi-Dimensional Anxiety Scale for Children. Advisors: Angela Neal Barnett and Manfred Van Dulmen.
- Lab, Katie. (2006). Self-Esteem and College Major: Are Arts & Sciences Majors Too Self-Confident for Their Own Good? Advisor: Lee Fox-Cardamone.
- Lee, Courtney. (2006). Examining Child and Caretaker Factors Related to Special Needs Adoptions. Advisors: David Hussey and Manfred Van Dulmen.
- Phillips, Bethany. (2006). Parenting Perceptions and Behavior. Advisor: Beth Wildman.
- Snyder, Meredith Rae (2006). Adolescent Relationships Predicting Diversion from Antisocial Behavior During Young Adulthood. Advisor: Manfred Van Dulmen.
- Stark, Nicole. (2006). Attachment, Psychosocial Risk Factors for Heart Disease and Blood Pressure Changes During Stress. Advisor: Joel Hughes.
- Seng, Elizabeth. (2005). The Relationship of Three Self-Report Measures to Mindfulness to Each Other and to Measures of Emotion, Cognition, and Psychopathology. Advisor: David Fresco.
- Krownapple, Michael. (1999). Census 2000's Question Regarding Race: Problems of Construct Validity. Advisor: Roy Lilly.
- West, Gail. (1998). Interracial/Multicultural Marriages. Advisor: Gordon C. Nagayama Hall.
- Diveley, Norman. (1997). Reciprocity of Social Support and Depression in a College Sample. Advisor: Kathryn Kerns.
- Russell, Susan. (1997). The Relationship Between Coping Styles and Integration of Safer Sex Behaviors within the College Student Population. Advisor: Stevan Hobfoll.
- Bankert, J. Craig. (1996). Physiological Tolerance to Endotoxin [Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)], Its Relationship to Drug Anticipatory Responses, and the Acquisition of Contextual Tolerance. Advisor: Benjamin Newberry.
- Benson, Aimee. (1996). Rel ati veT imi ng: The Effect of Temporal Structure on Serial Pattern Learning. Advisor: Steven Fountain.
- Darkangelo, Danielle. (1996). Defensive MMPI-2 Profiles in a Forensic Diagnostic Center. Advisor: Yossef Ben-Porath.
- Dean, Erin. (1996). The Impact of the Loss or Threat of Loss of Resources on Coping Behaviors and the Relationship Between Coping Behaviors and Sexual Practices. Advisor: Stevan Hobfoll.
- Lacruz, Isabel. (1996). Lexical Access of German-English Homographs During Sentence Comprehension by English Monolinguals. Advisor: Joseph Danks.
- Metz, Eric. (1996). Are the Tops of Figures More Salient than the Bottoms? Advisor: Michael McBeath.
- Richmond, Sharon. (1996). The Relationship Between Novelty Monitoring and Proactive Inhibition Phenomena in Preschool Children. Advisor: William Merriman.
- Roper, Emily. (1996). The Relationship Between State and Trait Anxiety and Performance in Basketball Players. Advisor: Stuart Taylor.
- Rothstein, Karen. (1996). Patterns of Service Utilization Among Latina Adolescent Mothers. Advisor: Josefina Contreras.
- Griffith, Shannon. (1995). Parental Depression and Family Functioning: The Effects of Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Marital Status. Advisor: Beth Wildman.
- Koch, Karla. (1995). Factors Affecting Utilization of Genetic Testing: An Experimental Approach. Advisor: Peter Ditto.
- Miller, Kimberly. (1995). The Role of Parents in the Development and Maintenance of Conduct Disorder. Advisor: Angela M. Neal.
- Millin, Paula. (1995). An Analysis of the Facilitating Factors Influencing the Latent Inhibition and Latent Learning Phenomena. Advisor: David Riccio.
- Portis, Charity. (1995). The Relationship Between the Psychosocial Functioning of Adults and the Overall Functioning of Adults and its Effect on Their Children. Advisor: Beth Wildman.
- Simeral, Amy. (1995). Quality of Play: The Children of Latina Adolescent Mothers and Their Play Environment. Advisor: Josefina Contreras.
- Stone, Brenda. (1995). The Impact of Loss, Coping Strategies, and Workplace Social Support on Gender Differences in Psychological Distress. Advisor: Stevan Hobfoll.
- Lee. Matthew. (1994). The Effects of Maternal Responsiveness and Demandingess on Early Childhood Peer Competence. Advisor: Kathryn Kerns.
- Bonner, Gretchen. (1993). Peer Experience: Relation to Security of Attachment and Peer Competence. Advisor: Kathryn Park.
- Knoechel, Amy. (1993). Correlation Between MMPI-2 Scales and Measures of Coping with Stress. Advisor: Yossef Ben-Porath.
- Thompson, Tara. (1993). The Effects of Sudden Childhood Death on the Grieving Process and Personality Development of Surviving Siblings. Advisor: Angela M. Neal.
- Yoder, Rebecca. (1993). Some Discrimination Between Substance Users and Abusers in a Mentally Healthy Population. Advisor: Harold Schroeder.
- Carris, Melissa. (1992). Visual Imagery and Its Effect on Source Misattributions in Eyewitness Memory. Advisor: Maria Zaragoza.
- Hale, Leanna. (1992). Using the MMPI-2 as a Predictor of Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Style. Advisor: Yossef Ben-Porath.
- Harlett, Victoria. (1992). Links Between Child-Parent Attachment and Peer Relationships in Preadolescence. Advisor: Kathryn Park.
- Hooper, Carolyn. (1992). The Role of Affect in Stereotyping and Prejudice: Affective Reactions to Information that is Either Consistent or Inconsistent with the Stereotype. Advisor: Peter Ditto.
- Starkey, Dawn. (1992). Spontaneous Causal Attributions in Response to Unfavorable Medical Diagnoses. Advisor: Peter Ditto.
- Feinstein, Zachary. (1991). Erotophobia and Erotophilia as Predictors of Affect. Advisor: Gordon C. Nagayama Hall.
- Hayden, Eric. (1991). The Effect of Psychosexual Arousal on Sexually Related Decisions. Advisor: Gordon C. Nagayama Hall.
- Penix, Tamara. (1991). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Review of its History and a Look at the Future. Advisor: Peter Ditto.
- Schrader, Stephanie. (1991). Parental Influence on Coping Behaviors. Advisor Kathryn Park.
- Edmonson, Carol. (1990). The Labeling of Gifted Children. Advisors: James Delisle and Barbara Allgood-Hill.
- Falls, Melanie. (1990). Variation in Sexual Preference Among College Students and Its Relationship to Self-Esteem and Homophobia. Advisor: Stuart Taylor.
- Miller, Roger. (1989). The Physiology of Dreaming. Advisor: Richard Vardaris.
- Gobetz, Emily. (1988). Slovenian-English Bilingualism and Academic Performance. Advisor: Jeanette Reuter.
- Kutlesic, Vesna. (1988). The Effect of Bilingualism and Language Change on Children's Noun Integration. Advisor: William Merriman.
- Wallace, Kenneth R., III. (1987). An Investigation of Parental Discipline. Advisor: William Merriman.
- Axiotis, Irene Renee. (1986). Effects of Post-Training Exposure of Lithium Chloride and Pentobarbital on Infantile Amnesia in Rats. Advisor: David C. Riccio.
- Boone, Cynthia K. (1986). Environment, Physiology and Psychology: An Integrated Approach to the Treatment of Schizophrenia. Advisor: Horace Page.
- Guda, Brooke. (1986). Fear of Success and Failure in a Feminine-Oriented Occupation. Advisor: Michele Paludi.
- Moncher, Frank J. (1986). The Effect of Stress and Perceived Personal Control on Psychological Symptoms. Advisor: Mary Ann Stephens.
- Nitz, Katherine A. (1986). Rhythmic Habit Patterns in Preschool Children as a Function of Social and Physical Contextual Variables. Advisor: Jeanette Reuter.
- Varholick, Louanne. (1986). The Effect of Protestors' Clothing on Impression Formation. Advisor: Lawrence Melamed.
- Manus, Michaelene. (1985). Gender Role Identity and Self-Esteem in Bulimic and Non-Bulimic Adolescent Females. Advisor: Janis Crowther.
- Miller, Earl K. (1985). Effects of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Two Paired-Pulse Phenomena in the Rat Hippocampus. Advisor: Richard Vardaris.
- Barone, Blair. (1984). Mild and Severe Binge Eating Among a Non-Clinical Female Population. Advisor: Janis Crowther.
- Hrabowy, Ingeborg. (1984). Dating and the Dating Relationship. Advisor: Michele Paludi.
- Marzoppi, Frances. (1984). Learned Helplessness: The Curvilinear Relationship in Men vs Women. Advisor: J. John Akamatsu.
- Zaynor, Leslie. (1984). Personality Characteristics of Binge Eating and Nonbinge Eating Adolescent Girls. Advisor: Janis Crowther.
- Fankell-Hauser, Jean. (1983). Coronary-Prone Behavior Pattern: Type A Personality and Causal Attribution for Success and Failure. Advisor: Harold Schroeder.
- Hedeen, Carla. (1983). A Comparative Analysis of Adolescent and Adult Rapists. Advisor: Peter Kratcoski.
- Williams, Cathy. (1983). The Effects of REM Sleep Deprivation on T-Maze Reversal Learning. Advisor: David Riccio.
- Castle, Victoria J. (1982). The Effect of Locus of Fixation on the Reversibility of Ambiguous Figures. Advisor: Lawrence Melamed.
- Clow, Cindy. (1982). A Comparison of La Escala de Desarrollo Infantil de 天天吃瓜 and the 天天吃瓜 Infant Development Scale. Advisor: Jeanette Reuter.
- Gidycz, Christine Ann. (1982). Male Aggression Towards Passive and Assertive Females. Advisor: Stuart Taylor.
- Prinzo, Olga Veronika Cyc. (1982). Word Recognition and Memory Access Speed in Gifted and Non-Gifted Children. Advisor: Robert Chabot.
- Chambers, Leslie. (1981). The Effects of Adrenalectomy, Diazepam and Stress on Rat Mammary Tumor Development. Advisor: Benjamin Newberry.
- Thompson, Nora. (1981). The Effects of a Concurrent Memory Load: Coding Strategy versus Selective Activation. Advisor: Robert Chabot.
- Ziemak, John. (1981). Perception of Leadership: Quality and Quantity of Verbal Participation in a Group Discussion. Advisor: Donald Elmon.
- Conley, James. (1980). Behavioral Recovery Following Brain Damage in the Rat. Advisor: F. Robert Treichler.
- Klooz, Nancy. (1980). Psychological Research on Children: A Literature Review of Selected APA Journals. Advisor: Jeanette Reuter.
- McCutcheon, Kevan. (1980). Consciousness in Psychology: A Course of Instruction. Advisor: Richard Hirschman.
- Shanafelt, Robert. (1980). Arctic Hysteria: An Analysis of An Eskimo Mental Disorder. Advisor: Olaf Prufer.
- Ferek, Jacqueline. (1979). Hyperthermia: An Unusually Potent Amnestic Agent. Advisor: David Riccio.
- Kutsick, Koressa. (1979). Academic and Career Development: A Theory of Continuous Process Involving Experiences Gained from Participation in Organized Extra-Curricular Activities. Advisor: Anne Copeland.
- Sands, Melissa. (1978). Male Physical Aggression as a Function of Rejection by a Female. Advisor: Stuart P. Taylor.
- Coleman, Arlene. (1977). Effects of Interviewing on Eyewitness Testimony. Advisor: James Dooling.
- Hileman, Curtis. (1977). The Psychology of Dreaming and Sleep Physiology: An Undergraduate Course of Instruction. Advisor: Richard Hirschman.
- Oliver, Constance. (1977). Male Physical Aggression as a Function of Female Assertive Behavior. Advisor: Stuart P. Taylor.
- Weinberger, Theodore. (1977). Tolerance-Intolerance of Ambiguity in a Programmed vs. Unprogrammed Task Condition and the Effects with Relation to Situational Stress. Advisor: Seymour Baron.
- Wertz, LaVena. (1977). Attribution of Success and Failure in Tutoring. Advisor: Bruce Downing.
- Buk, Vera. (1976). Self-Disclosure in Small Groups: The Effects of Feedback and Role-Playing. Advisor: V. Edwin Bixenstine.
- Dean, Sandra Flannery. (1976). A Comparison of Differential Aptitude Test Data with the Results of a Self-Evaluation Questionnaire for Thirty High School Drop-outs. Advisor: Fred Davidson.
- Dulmage, Claudia H. (1976). Suicidal Behavior at 天天吃瓜: A Preliminary Study, September 1975-April 1976. Advisor: Richard Rynearson.
- Falcon, Charles. (1976). The Relationship Between Adherence to Sexual Role and Attitudes Towards Homosexuals. Advisor: Jeanette Reuter.
- Larson, William E. (1976). A Temporal Schema Used in the Organization of Memory for Connected Discourse. Advisor: James Dooling.
- Leonard, Kenneth E., Jr. (1976). The Relationship Between Prejudice and Aggression as a Function of Threat and Saliency. Advisor: Stuart Taylor.
- Miars, Russel D. (1976). A Comparison Between Cognitive Modification and Self-Control Desensitization of Test Anxiety. Advisor: David Hopkinson.
- O'Connor, Mary P. (1976). Recognition for Pictures of Faces as a Function of Levels of Processing Across Three Age Levels. Advisor: Kenneth Hoving.
- Rozel, 天天吃瓜 Emery. (1976). Assessment of the Criterion-Related Validity of a Therapeutic Group Evaluation Questionnaire. Advisor: V. Edwin Bixenstine.
- Taller, Paul S. (1976). Contextual Organization and the Experience of Time. Advisor: James Dooling.
- Hess, Mary Joan. (1975). A Study of Group Therapy and Its Relationship to Self Concept. Advisors: Shirley Hurley and Jeanette Reuter.
- Stone, Christine. (1975). An Attempt to Study the Effects of Invasion of Personal Space on Aggressive Response. Advisor: Stuart Taylor.
- Vinsel, Anne. (1975). Some Aspects of Human Female Aggression. Advisor: Stuart Taylor.
- Horn, Hilary. (1974). Interference Effects on Children's Recall. Advisor: Kenneth Hoving.
- Shutts, Debra. (1974). Locus of the Intrusion of a Thematic Idea in Retention and Prose. Advisor: James Dooling.
- Weiss, Linda. (1974). Interlingual Aspects of Bilingualism: A Study in Shared and Separate Conceptual Systems. Advisor: Joseph Danks.
- Bray, William. (1973). Retroactive Interference from a Theme. Advisor: James Dooling.
- DeCorte, Margaret S. (1973). Peer and Parental Influences on the Value Judgments of Children. Advisor: V. Edwin Bixenstine.
- Gans, Dianne. (1973). Acquisition and Utilization of Rules in a Miniature Linguistic System. Advisor: Joseph Danks.
- Kroman, William D. (1973). Sex Chauvinism in Memory. Advisor: James Dooling.
- Luepnitz, Deborah. (1973). Retention of Grammatical Structure in Bilinguals: A Test of the Whorfian Hypothesis. Advisor: James Dooling.
- Prowell, Denise. (1973). A Study of the Self-Concepts of High School and College Students in Relation to Drug Usage. Advisor: Jeanette Reuter.
- Spiegelglass, Lawrence. (1973). An Analysis of Characteristics of Volunteer Firemen in Selected Ohio Communities. Advisor: Clyde Hendrick.
- Fletcher, Margaret. (1972). The Effects of Gamma Amino Butyric Acid in Delta THC on the Mammalian Central Nervous System. Advisor: Richard Vardaris.
- Johnston, Don C. (1972). Drugs: A Manual for Drug and Cricis Intervention Centers. Advisor: Richard Rynearson.
- Luce, Rebecca. (1972). Some Effects of the Manipulation of Theme and Logic on Sentence Comprehension. Advisor: James Dooling.
- Resick, Patricia A. (1972). IES Arrow-Dot Performance in Differentiating Staff Ability for Work in Contrasting Mental Hospital Programs. Advisor: Wesley C. Zaynor.
- Roberts, Linda. (1972). The Perception of Leadership in a Small Group Discussion. Advisor: Clyde Hendrick.
- Shaff, Mary. (1972). An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Behavioral Language Training on Young Retarded Children. Advisor: Wesley C. Zaynor.
- Sorce, Patricia. (1972). The Effect of Imagery and Syntax on the Prompted Recall of Passive Sentences. Advisor: Joseph Danks.
- Ferrini, Bruce. (1971). The Use of Rhythm in Speech Perception. Advisor: Unknown
- Galizio, Mark. (1971). The Effects of Presence or Absence of Musical Accompaniment and Mode of Vocal Delivery on Attitudes, Mood States, and Recall. Advisor: Clyde Hendrick.
- Galizio, Mark. (1971). Guitar as a Prop for Persuasion. Advisor: Clyde Hendrick.
- Garlow, Larry. (1971). The Effects of Ingratiation on Response Rates in a Mail Questionnaire Study. Advisor: Clyde Hendrick.
- Moll, Jeff D. (1971). Visual Search with Controlled Input Rate and Elimination of Preview. Advisor: Terry J. Spencer.
- McBride, Kathleen. (1971). Recognition Memory for Auditory and Visual Information. Advisor: Unknown.
- Winston, Shari Dee. (1971). The Effect of Adjective/Noun Ordering on Comprehension. Advisor: James Dooling.
- Honroth, Janet Lee. (1970). Effects of Neo-cortical Lesions on a Brightness Discrimination Task in Two Strains of Rats. Advisor: F. Robert Treichler.
- Hawkins, Gayle. (1969). Belief Similarity versus Race as Determinant of Attraction and Social Acceptance. Advisor: Unknown.
- Whitmore, Karen L. (1969). Saliency and Judgments of Characteristics of Negroes and Whites. Advisor: Martin R. Baron.
- Rajecki, D. W. (1968). Social Facilitation Effects in Extinction in a Non-Competitive Situation. Advisor: F. Robert Treichler.
- Warner, Judith J. (1968). Developmental Differences in Conditioning and Stimulus Generalization of Acquired Fear. Advisor: David C. Riccio.
- Raney, Charles Curtis. (1967). The Absolute Behavioral Electric Shock Threshold of the Rat. Advisor: David C. Riccio.
- Robinson, Janet. (1967). Immediate Punishment and Choice of a Fear-Provoking Cue. Advisor: V. Edwin Bixenstine.
- Sekerak, Gary James. (1967). The Effects of Observing and Non-Observing Audience on the Emission of Dominant Responses. Advisor: Nickolas B. Cottrell.
- Weygandt, Jacquelyn Elaine. (1967). Probabilistic Strategies of the Other in a Two-Person Non-Zero Sum Game. Advisor: V. Edwin Bixenstine.
- Stultz, Virginia K. (1965). Reaction Time as an Index of Retrieval from Recent Memory: A Test of Sternberg's Model. Advisor:
- Warren, Patricia A. (1965). Memory and Randomization. Advisor: Robert Morin.
- Troxell, Nola J. (1964). Keeping Track of Several Variables: Number of Variables and Stimulus Recurrence Distributions. Advisor: Robert E. Morin.
- McPherson, Sandra (1963). Reaction time with Two Classes of Overlearned Stimuli. Advisor: Robert E. Morin.
- Higgins (Felsinger), John M. (1942). A Suggestion for the Revision of the Concept, Emotion. Advisors: Edna Oswalt and D.W. Pierce