Movers and Groovers is an annual volunteer event, sponsored by the 天天吃瓜 Interhall Council, that is designed to help first-year students move into their residence halls. Teams of volunteers, consisting of students, student organizations, and faculty and staff members, work together to move first-year students into their new homes safely and efficiently.
Although it states on the registration website that volunteers are required to work two three-hour shifts, faculty and staff members can volunteer to work for as long as their schedules allow.
To volunteer, register at email
Volunteer to Help With First-Year Student Move-In
Movers and Groovers is an annual volunteer event, sponsored by the 天天吃瓜 Interhall Council, that is designed to help first-year students move into their residence halls
POSTED: Monday, June 18, 2012 12:00 AM
Updated: Saturday, December 3, 2022 01:02 AM